
Today all over the world people are confused, worried and—most of all— lost. The Book of Psalms shows God’s readily available answer to each person, whether Christian or not, in each situation, who individually will trust God through His written Word. Please read it regularly and ask God to speak to you and guide you. He will if you do!

Hardback book.


Gerard Chrispin enjoys life and Christian work. He is a retired solicitor, once specialising in contracts and criminal law, and in business and negotiation. Before He trusted Christ his main love was sport – especially rugby and cricket. An experienced and recognised UK Christian prison chaplain, he works with Phillippa, his wife, voluntarily for prisons and for Christian Prison Resourcing (CPR). He loves the work of United Beach Missions (UBM) through Christian Answer Missions, because he loves proclaiming the gospel and teaching the Bible. That can also be through open air and literature ministries of the church he attends or preaching in other churches. He has written books, gospel booklets and tracts, some recently. He and Phillippa have three married children and eight super grandkids.