
The Bible isn’t just a big book full of stories from a long time ago. It also tells us what we are to believe about God, life and what happens after this life. Christians sometimes use a lot of complicated words to describe these things, but this brief breakdown of everything you need to know is easy to understand.

Chapter Headings include:

  • Who is God?
  • Who is God the Son?
  • Who is God the Spirit?
  • Angels and Demons
  • Creation and Fall
  • Atonement and Election
  • Sanctification and Perseverance
  • Heaven and Hell
  • The Return of Jesus

Mike McKinley is Senior Pastor at Sterling Park Baptist Church in Sterling, Virginia and author of several books. Mike has been married to Karen since 1997, and they have five children.

Part of the First Steps Series edited by Mez McConnell. Available as a box set.