This little book consists of a series of articles which first appeared in the Protestant Woman and afterwards in the Free Presbyterian Magazine.
It is a memorial to a noble band of women, moved with a heroism born of Heaven, who chose “rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures” of Scotland.
First published in 1909, this 2020 reprint has been lightly edited. Old Scots words have been retained, while the modern equivalent has been inserted in square brackets. The text has been brought up to date with the rules of modern punctuation. Such changes do not greatly affect the original sense.
The knowledge of the sufferings of the people of God in Reformation and Covenant times has declined. However, the presence of the grace of God in the souls of men and women, which led them to suffer in Christ’s name, is worthy of our remembrance.
Their faithfulness was by His grace and for His glory.